Road Restoration and Comprehensive Improvement Project of Rail Line 11


Changzhou Shi
Jiangsu Sheng,

Project Size
41.5 acres
Project type
Site Context
Former Land Use
Previously Developed
Terrestrial Biome
Temerpate broadleaf and mixed forest
Project overview

The project is the demonstration section of the Road Restoration and Comprehensive Improvement Project of Suzhou Rail Line 11 in Kunshan City, the first rail transit line in Suzhou's rail network to connect with the Shanghai rail transit network. During the design process, it was proposed that the landscape renewal for Line 11 should expand beyond street spaces to the entire urban transportation corridor. This approach aims to stimulate positive ecological urban development. The primary goals of the project are to develop a livable urban environment, promote a more sustainable lifestyle for residents, and create a low-carbon, convenient streetscape.

First, the project assists in building a dynamic local ecosystem along the lake and riverfront. This includes creating a series of resilient ecological greenspaces along the line that encourage continuous growth, and blue-green corridors that reinforce the health of, thereby enhancing the urban blue-green network. Additionally, by connecting the urban green corridor, opening parks, upgrading green spaces, and adding small and micro-botanical gardens along the line, the project creates multi-dimensional habitats. These ecological corridors facilitate continuous growth and improvement, fostering biodiversity for plants and animals. Furthermore, the project implements runoff control for road surface rainwater, enabling rainwater reuse and upgrading gray infrastructure to green infrastructure.

The project also includes the installation of “smart cloud” boxes as convenient facilities for visitors. These cloud boxes provide health services, commercial and public services, cultural amenities, and city information along the line. They are designed to optimize and integrate the urban slow-traffic system for site users. The cloud box roofs are equipped with photovoltaic panels to supply part of the electricity through solar power generation. Additionally, the project incorporates big data block management, which includes smart car parking systems, environmental monitoring, and smart lighting systems, all aimed at reducing energy consumption.

By leveraging the opportunity provided by rail track construction, the project systematically improves the user experience along the transit line, establishing a consistently positive green public space. This system lays the groundwork for the construction of a park city, offering residents improved access to outdoor spaces and more convenient living services. The project centers on a "people-oriented" urban development concept, aiming to meet the needs of the broader population and achieve fair sharing as a key objective in park city construction.