The SITES AP is a credential for landscape professionals from GBCI, providing you with the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge, expertise and commitment to the profession. The SITES AP establishes a common framework to define the profession of sustainable landscape design and development.
SITES APs possess the knowledge and skills necessary to support the SITES certification process, including participating in the design and development process, supporting and encouraging integrated design, managing the application and certification process and providing advocacy and education for the adoption of SITES.
Why should you become a SITES AP?
The SITES AP credential provides a professional distinction in the marketplace and is an important tool for those practicing sustainable landscape design and looking to impact the direction of land development and management.
Whether you are a landscape architect or designer, ecologist, civil engineer, arborist, educator or architect, builder or developer, earning a SITES AP credential showcases your commitment to sustainable landscape design and development to your peers, clients and community. It shows that land has an inherent value and that it is your role to elevate its importance in the marketplace and in professional practice.
By supporting the SITES certification system, SITES APs help to
- Create landscapes and places that provide important ecosystem services.
- Conserve resources.
- Create regenerative systems and foster resiliency.
- Mitigate climate change.
- Enhance human well-being while strengthening the community.
- Elevate landscape architecture.
- Educate the public about the critical role that SITES plays in protecting and healing the environment.
SITES was created to provide a comprehensive set of criteria that is grounded in science and best practices in land design and development. Your profession also has the capacity to participate in the evolution of SITES—it is a living document that will continually respond to the latest research and set of applications.