It’s been quite an exciting year for SITES. We launched the SITES AP professional credential, certified our first round of projects under the SITES v2 rating system and witnessed SITES becoming a truly global program as projects registered around the world. We also had announcements to share, such as the U.S. GSA’s decision to adopt SITES for its capital construction program.
As the Sustainable SITES Initiative continues to grow, we are seeing the emergence of a global professional community committed to building a sustainable future and ensuring communities are resilient to the effects of climate change. The work to ensure sustainable land development has never been more important, and our SITES community is making it happen on the ground with local projects. This requires not only a strong design and construction process, but also an eye toward the performance of these projects.
GBCI staff invite you to celebrate our collective success at our next quarterly call on Wed., October 11 from 1–2:30 p.m. EST. This quarter’s SITES call will examine the progress made in the last year, since the launch of the SITES AP, and the announcement of the first certified SITES v2 projects.
We’ll take a look at our growing professional community—their initial successes and ongoing challenges. We’ll also look more closely at individual projects and their experiences with SITES. Finally, we’ll peek into the future with a discussion on the first direction of the SITES program and how it relates to the performance of our landscapes.
SITES Quarterly Call
When: Wed., October 11 from 1–2:30 p.m.
Join the call via WebEx
Call: 1.650.429.3300
Access code: 712 296 521
Join the call on October 11 via WebEx (password: SITESq4). If you are dialing in internationally, view our list of global call-in numbers. Please note that WebEx and conference dial-in information will also be shared via email a few days in advance of the call.