Published on
18 Sep 2018

Expected to draw over 6,000 landscape architects and students, the ASLA Annual Meeting and Expo, hosted October 19–22 in Philadelphia, will offer more than 135 education sessions, including three different sessions and a half-day workshop on SITES.
Heading to Philly? To make sure you know where to find SITES throughout the entire conference, we’ve rounded up a list of where and when to find SITES all weekend.
- SITES Booth #103: Stop by SITES booth #103 on the expo floor. Whether you have questions about the SITES rating system, the SITES AP credential, registering a project or anything technical, our subject matter experts will be on hand throughout the conference to help.
Friday, October 19
- 1:30–5 p.m.—Workshop: Navigating SITES v2 Certification and Preparing for the SITES AP Exam: You are familiar with the framework of the SITES Rating System, and now you’re ready to take a closer look at the requirements and submittal process. Take the next step and work through a scorecard, the predesign site assessment and the submittal documentation process, using certified project examples.
- 3:30–5 p.m.—Preconstruction Management of Valuable Tree and Soil Resources: This session will identify methodologies to reduce impacts on trees scheduled to remain on a project. The session starts with a discussion of organic amendments, followed by a SITES v2 discussion on tree/soils management and finishing with a presentation on implementing SITES for the first time on a BeltLine park. This session offers SITES-specific CEUs.
Saturday, October 20
- 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.—SITES Materials Credits for Project Life Cycle: Deconstruction, Reuse, Specification and Maintenance: Sustainable design starts with resources on the ground. Dig deeper into the SITES v2 materials life cycle credits from specification to use, maintenance, deconstruction and reuse. Discover synergies between SITES v2 and LEED v4 materials and resource credits. This session offers SITES-specific CEUs.
Monday, October 22
- 8–9:30 a.m.—Ecosystem Services and Green Infrastructure: Understanding Valuation, Benefits and SITES v2 Applications: Trends in sustainable design and resiliency require landscape architects to be versed in ecosystem services and measurable benefits. Green infrastructure provides opportunities for valuing natural and built systems. The expert speakers will provide their insights and case studies for design and maintenance strategies, including the SITES v2 framework. This session offers SITES-specific CEUs.