GBCI recently launched the newly acquired SITES rating system, which is the most comprehensive program and toolkit for developing sustainable landscapes.
The Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES®) is a program based on the understanding that land is a crucial component of the built environment and can be planned, designed, developed, and maintained to protect and enhance the benefits we derive from healthy functioning landscapes. The rating system can be applied to development projects located on sites with or without buildings—ranging from national parks to corporate campuses, streetscapes and homes, and much more.
Ready to learn more? Check out the course: Introduction to the SITES Program, now available on Education @USGBC.
This course provides an overview of the SITES and informs participants of the critical need for a more careful and sensitive approach to land design and development in regards to the growing population of the planet. SITES goals are identified and explained, and the concept of evaluating ecosystem services as a basis for land design and development is detailed through photographs, graphics, and SITES Pilot Project case study information.