Evans Parkway Neighborhood Park


Silver Spring, MD
United States

Project Size
7.3 acres
Project type
Open space - Park
Site Context
Former Land Use
Terrestrial Biome
Temperate Broadleaf + Mixed Forests
Project overview

Evans Parkway Neighborhood Park is a well-used park located in Silver Spring, Maryland, which serves as a walk-to recreation facility for surrounding single-family homes and nearby apartments. The impetus for the park renovation was the acquisition of an adjacent 2.4-acre vacant lot, which provided an opportunity to expand the park and renovate aging facilities. The focus of the design for the 7.3-acre park emphasized a more natural treatment of the park, including naturalization and restoration of a 300 linear foot section of concrete-lined stream channel. This rehabilitated stream is intended to serve as a demonstration project for future naturalization efforts within Montgomery County and invite greater community interest in watershed improvements in the area. The Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning Commission, Montgomery County Department of Parks identified this project as an ideal candidate to test the SITES 2009 Guidelines and Performance Benchmarks, in order to inform and improve sustainable practices in the design, construction and operation of county parks. The renovated park also includes an informal play field and open lawn areas, playground, paved area for wheeled play, two tennis courts, two half-basketball courts, a picnic area and shade structure, loop walking trails, an iconic pedestrian bridge with riparian overlook area, contemplative seating areas, interactive public artwork, interpretive displays, connections to regional bikeway and public transit systems, natural meadow areas, and shady woodland areas. photographs by: Aaron Feldman, M-NCPPC