Caso de Estudio SITES: Rehabilitación Barrio Chino-Barrio de la Luz
Ofrecido totalmente en español e inglés, este caso de estudio da a conocer los detalles del proyecto, resumen general, el contexto del sitio, los retos y soluciones a los que nos enfrentamos, las características sustentables y las lecciones aprendidas. | Offered entirely in Spanish and English, this case study reveals the details of the project, general summary, the context of the site, the challenges and solutions we faced, the sustainable characteristics of the site and the lessons learned.

West Laurel Hill’s Nature’s Sanctuary: A Green Path to Perpetual Care (1 SITES CEU, #0920019137)
Learn about the innovative strategies implemented to transform a former cemetery dumpsite into a natural burial cemetery. This course is available for 1 SITES-specific CE hour.
SITES Case Studies: Green Wise Headquarters Rooftop Garden
Learn about the rooftop garden at Green Wise headquarters, the first project outside of the United States to achieve SITES certification. This course is available for 0.5 SITES-specific CE hours.

SITES Case Study: Chicago Navy Pier Renovation
Learn how the Chicago Navy Pier is a seasonally dynamic, culturally rich and sustainable destination. This course is available for 0.5 SITES-specific CE hours.

SITES Case Studies: University of Texas
Learn about SITES certified projects at two institutions in the University of Texas system. This course is available for 0.5 SITES-specific CE hours.

SITES Case Study: HP Inc. Boise, Idaho Campus
Learn how HP, Inc used SITES to achieve sustainability goals at its campus in Boise, Idaho. This course is available for 0.5 SITES-specific CE hours.
SITES Case Study: Bartholdi Park at the U.S. Botanic Garden
Learn how the renovation of Bartholdi Park provided an opportunity to increase accessibility, showcase SITES principles in action and demonstrate USBG’s commitment to sustainability. This course is available for 0.5 SITES-specific CE hours.

Green Walls and Green Roofs- Techniques and Application
There’s a growing interest in greening roofs and walls, especially in urban areas. They’re also much more than just eye-catching features! This course is a primer on green walls and green roofs covering different techniques, system types and applications.

Sustainability through landscape design
Landscapes connect buildings and their occupant directly to natural elements and thus, offer several opportunities for integrating sustainability into a project. At the same time, they must be thoughtfully designed to have low environmental impacts on the site’s ecology, hydrology and other natural systems. This course is a primer on landscape strategies that are sustainable and how it can in turn be leveraged to enhance the sustainable performance of buildings.

Benefit from synergies between SITES and LEED BD+C
Take advantage of the synergies between SITES and LEED when certifying your next project.

Sustainable Sites Curriculum Toolkit
Want to prepare higher education students for 21st century careers in green building and sustainability industries? Integrating sustainability across the curriculum prepares this generation to be both global citizens and champions in addressing some of the biggest challenges we face. The purpose of this resource is to prepare students for today’s careers in green building and sustainability industries.

Exploring the SITES Rating System (10-part webinar series in bulk)
Explore the SITES v2 rating system in detail in this 10-part webinar series. Learn key concepts, terminology, and requirements related to every prerequisite and credit in the rating system. This series is available for 7 SITES specific GBCI CE hours.